Facebook Ads Account – Implementing An Efficient Naming System

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    Are you looking to be able to browse through your Facebook ad accounts with ease?

    Then we have something which will be of real use to you! With a free downloadable template and step-by-step guidance in this blog, you can find out how you can implement an efficient naming system without hassle or fuss!


    Top Tips

    1. Every specific feature of the ad should be incorporated into the campaign level, ad set level or the specific ad level.
    2. Don’t delete any columns on the free template spreadsheet – this will break the formulas used, so please instead just hide those which are not applicable to your business.
    3. This is a system which you can go through each time that you start working on an ad account which has no naming system in place – it can help you to get all of your ads (at various levels) in order and working correctly.
    4. In the event that you are a user of the Facebook Dynamic URL parameters, then make sure that you are not revealing any sensitive information – as any names you put will be visible when it comes to the name of the ad, the actual set of ads as well as the overall campaign.
    5. You should keep in mind that the purpose of this blog is to help you find a naming system which works well alongside your ad account structure rather than the other way around.



    • You have a free downloadable template on hand to guide you through the process with ease!
    • Once you’ve got this up and running, it will really simplify your system for giving your Facebook Ads (at various stages) proper names which you will be able to locate again in the future with ease.


    Naming System Guidelines

    Rather than using spaces between different sections of the ad title, use dashes instead:

    • Positive: example- MOFU-EN-Product Ads
    • Negative: example MOFU EN Product Ads
      • The reason that it is a good idea it allows you to immediately find the specific ad you’re looking for, i.e. ads that contain “-EN-“
      • Without using the dashes, you could get all results that contain “EN” which makes it more difficult to sort through.

    When it comes to a date system, you’re better of using short and snappy formatting: DDMMYY- so the 27th of November 2020, would appear as 271120.

      • The reason that you will benefit from doing this is because it will help to pinpoint the exact source of the asset and will make it easier to find ads from a certain time period in the future.


    Naming System At Campaign Level

    You’re going to need to pinpoint the unique parts of your campaign – to do this, take into account these questions:

    • What makes the campaign unique from others?
    • Why was this campaign made rather than being added as part of others?
      • This is all key information that you can take into account when you are coming up with a naming system to suit the needs of your posts.

    Start off by taking the more broad features and then begin to niche it down more in the name – to do this effectively, you will need to order them in this way:

    • Funnel section
    • Geographical location
    • Specific Language
    • Aim
    • Description
      • The reason that you will benefit from doing this is that it will help you to be able to identify the campaign that you are looking for with ease.


    Naming System At Ad Set Level

    To do this as effectively as you did at the campaign level, you’re going to need to take the following into consideration:

    • What makes this ad set unique from the others?
    • What makes this ad set worthwhile being standalone from other ads?

    Everything which has a unique feature in the ad is something which can be used in the naming system.


    Naming System At Ad Level

    You will need to give an outline of the ad’s specific features – to do this effectively, here are the questions that you need to take into account:

    • What makes this specific ad unique from others?

    At a very basic level, here is the formatting that you will need to include these specific features:

    • DDMMYY
    • Asset Variation
    • Description of Copy
    • Description of Asset
    • Variation


    Naming System Specific To Custom Audiences

    You’re going to need to ask yourself the following question:

    • What makes the audience unique from others?

    This is the type of formatting that you can follow to ensure that your ad names are set out effectively for your custom audiences:
    (Origin) – (Audience Description) – (Geographical Location) – (Schedule)

    Here are the following factors that you need to take into account:

    • A character limit comes into play – this is 50 characters
    • If you’re planning on giving additional details about the custom audience – you need to keep the important info in the title of the relevant ads features.


    Naming System Validation

    These are the questions which you will need to take into consideration to validate your naming system:

    • By looking at the name alone, do you understand what it is, or would anyone else be able to know immediately what it is?
      • In the event that the answer is yes – then you have got an effective naming system in place, so you’ve done it efficiently.
      • In the event that you feel the answer is no – then you will need to go through this blog again to make sure that everything is as it should be.


    Start Using The Name System Spreadsheet

    This is a document which you can use to suit the specific needs of your business, and you can download it here – make sure that you make your own copy for editing purposes.

    It contains the following sheets:

    • Name System Guidelines
    • Campaign Level
    • Campaign Settings
    • Ad Set Level
    • Ad Set Settings
    • Specific Ad Level
    • Specific Ad Settings

    You can see the settings sheets which you are able to edit to suit the specific needs of your organisation, and on the “Name System Guidelines” sheet, you will notice that there are some general rules there – you can add to this document to make it more tailored to suit the requirements of your organisation.

    Although you shouldn’t delete any cells (as mentioned in the “Top Tips” section) feel free to edit the fields which remain in accordance with the naming system you’ve set up for your business.

    Now that you’ve gone through all this, you’ll be pleased to hear… your system, is all ready to go.

    Once you’ve edited the template to fit your needs, you are well on your way to making progress. All you need to do once you’ve generated a name you’re happy with, is start using this information to fill out your Ads Manager account.


    Thanks for reading!

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