5 Easy Ways To Get A Head Start On eBay With A Fresh Account

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    Listing on eBay and Amazon is a great way to boost your sales, but when you are just starting getting good position in searches can be a challenge. Use the following quick tips to give yourself the best shot of getting to the top and raking in those sales!

    1. Auctions

    Auctions are a great way to gain early traction on eBay. Make sure your description also links to the full price “buy it now” (BIN) version of the listing for people who don’t want to get into a bid war. Great way to drive traffic to low ranked listings and improve conversion.

    2. Loss Leaders

    Customers on eBay are extremely savvy, which makes loss leader tactics perform incredibly well. If something is a bargain, people WILL buy it. Use this to gain feedback and listing position.

    3. Fast & Free

    It’s proven that customers love eBay’s fast and free offerings. Free shipping (include it in the BIN price – there’s no such thing as “free shipping” in the real world), with 1 day dispatch time. Offer 24 and 48 hour courier options.

    4. Drive External Traffic

    It’s always better to drive customers to your OWN site rather than eBay or Amazon, but in the early days it can help your listings gain traction.

    5. Solid Basics

    Sounds obvious, but making sure you have plenty of high quality images, a title that has the keywords your customers will search for  and a description that includes information that your customers will want will put you ahead of lots of your competition.

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